The second session did not go so well, but seemed to get better as I changed out the batteries.
I was told that you didn't have to change out batteries every time you had a session so after a three hour session and a six week layoff we had another session. I was prepared for trouble as I did buy rechargeable batteries and they were charged.
As soon as we started, strange things started happening. Engines wouldn't respond all the time even when plugged in. Engines were pulled off of the layout and I started changing batteries and eventually things started to calm down.
After the session I did some troubleshooting and I couldn't find anything wrong, so from now on the batteries will be charged prior to the session.
I also took the time to hook up NCE to Decoder Pro and update all of the engine files. The strange thing is that I could read all of the decoders but the the NCE ones. Go figure.....
I even took the time to put decoders into a couple of newer engines I recently purchased. I will have to do some speed matching soon.
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12 years ago