The railroad was needing new card boxes to better reflect the way the railroad was being operated. I didn't even have boxes for two of the staging areas. I just installed all new facia. I felt it was time to build new boxes, so I wouldn't put unecessary holes in the facia.
I also wanted to reduce the size of the boxes for each pocket, but at the same time I needed to increase to number of pockets at certain places. So today I spent all day making new boxes. Tomorrow I'll spend the day painting the boxes.
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12 years ago
The boxes are painted and installed. Now I have to label them. The new boxes are smaller for each comparment but extra comparments have been added for things like the train instructions and engine cards. It should help the yardmasters with some of their paperwork. I also increased the number of openings for specific trains like the Wood Job, which allowed me to restore the OFFSET comparment again. In some cases I aded a compartment for the special cards used at the paper mill.