All of the turnouts with the wacky connections have been moved to the proper location. Even the one that ended up on top was put in its rightful location.
All of the wires that needed to be moved to get the track out, are now re-connected.
All of the risers for Searsport are now in their final resting place. Some got moved multiple times to ensure that Searsport didn't do a crash dive.
The hidden track is in its new location. The benchwork is connected at both ends. Track pulled up where needed and cork has been glued down for the upcoming trackwork.
The Dairy in Wiscasset will have to move, so there will be a new setup when done. Not yet sure what that will be. The passing siding will be slightly shorter although I could make that up at the other end of town.
Not much change will happen in Belfast.
Still have to redo the wires from the control panel. Facia plugs will have to move, the phone and pretty much everything that was on the facia.
Latest at Smith Summit
12 years ago
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