Thursday, March 27, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Smooth move!

Nothing like the feeling you get when you realize one of the walls you were building, on a high dollar kit, was being built upside down.

Luckily the parts came off OK, so there may only be minor blemishes. Then again maybe I can fix them too.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wiscasset - Rockland Area

I was supposed to be cleaning up for the next session, but I couldn't help adding more scenery. The road has already received more dirt to bring it up to grade.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Power Outage

I lost a whole day of scenicking due to the state wide power outage. I guess I'll need to consider an emergency generator for the train room.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Scenery continues

Scenery work continues. There has been a lot of plaster on the layout that was still white. I went ahead and painted the first coat to get rid of the white.

The first pictures is the area north of Bucksport. I still have to add the waster. Note to self: it is better to paint the backdrop before you install the bridge. The second picture is the church in Acadia.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Scenery time

It was about time to return to scenery, especially since it is pretty icy out today.

The curve between Rockland and Wiscasset. I plan on turning this into a farm.

A row of houses just outside the town of Acadia.

Texaco station near the beach on the Moose River.