Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Car Card Presentation

In an effort to do more with the local club, I volunteered to do a Presentation on Car Cards. There is a lot of support in the area for switch lists. I wanted to show another option.
I had to modify one I did many years ago. Today was the day. It was pretty well received and I got decent reviews from some of the attendees and those that had seen my layout liked that it help them understand better.
I was nervous in the beginning but once I started, it flowed and my years of experience made it hard to stop talking.
Good for all I hope.

Monday, November 20, 2023

More benchwork and a new siding

I added the last bit of upper level bench work and setting up to cross the aisle. The mainline will be towards the back and a logging siding in front of that. I willcross the walkway to the right and come back over Portland to eventually end up in the real Northern Maine Junction. 

This will get me three new towns and one small branch, with NMJ becoming it's proper size

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Lights above Brunswick

The last session had a request for lighting above Brunswick. Frankly it should have been done a while ago. Since my strip lights were 4' longer than the upper benchwork I had I added another 8' section. The lights are now in and the yard guys will be very happy


Scenery Update

Got scenery from the track to the backdrop mostly done between Searsport and Orrington.

Got scenery from the track to the backdrop mostly done between Searsport and Orrington..

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Water is in

Still more scenery towards the front and around the waters edge needs to happen, but with Op Sessions restarting I had to finish the water and get the bridges and track back in.