I think I actually solved the problem. Mike Pennie came to help, but we were only just moving the antenna’s around. This was not working.
I got on the NCE group site and got a few troubleshooting ideas.
Short version of the story is it was a plug in transmitter for my XM radio in the basement. I’m now connecting in 4-5 seconds in the train room. With the transmitter plugged in it jump to 10 seconds to never.
Longer version was turning off all the breakers in the basement and turning on the layout and powering up every breaker one at a time and going into the train room and testing. One breaker in the middle was the culprit so I turned it off and tested everything else. I looked up at my XM radio and it said no signal, which leads me to the long forgotten transmitter. I checked that receptacle and is was powered down. I unplugged the transmitter and closed the breaker and tested and I was still good.
I originally had the RB02 and two repeaters. Now the repeaters are disconnected.
Now I’ll try not to hold my breath until after Tuesday‘s op session.