Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Matte Medium was not working for me

The matte medium wasn't working for me so I did a little modification and went back to envirotex lite. I'm happier with the result. That being said I need to revisit the matte medium choice on a test piece so I can figure it out.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Water has been started

I decided to use matte medium instead of my normal envirotex light. Mostly because I was not sure how leak proof my set up was. I'm not sure how this will work out, but we shall see. The white is just because it has not dried yet.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Scenery update

The upper level section between Orrington and the loop has ballast now. When all of this section is dry I can plant some trees.

The lower section between Bath and Wiscasset also got some scenery. Still more trees needed. In the foreground I cut some of the benchwork to have a water feature. When this is dry I will pour some water to finish this section off. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

CBNR had its first open house in Flat Rock

The Apple Valley Model RR Club had a tour of Railroads to the South of Hendersonville. 6 layouts were open. The weren't a ton of people compared to the amount of club members in the club. There were more people than had been to other open houses. Then again the visitors live much closer the convention visitors.
I don't mind showing off the layout, I wouldn't mind seeing the other layouts. In this case 4 of the 5 others I have not seen yet.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Trees are Popping up

A little sprucing up of the forest and away we go.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Scenery updates

Some scenery updates. This is at the far end of the back aisle. Between Orrington and northern Maine Junction on the top. Bath and Wiscasset on the bottom. I will be delayed a bit by a short trip and a Train Club layout tour. Hopefully I will get the trees in before the tour.