Saturday, January 16, 2021

Anyone still out here?

 I will be starting this blog back up, if anyone is still interested. I had been on Facebook for a while and now I left there and will start back on here. Since the last time the layout was torn down for a move and now I am restarting in a new location.

Let me know if you see this post.


  1. Chuck, the trees look good. Many folks forget the colorful fallen leaf debris at the foot of the trunks.

  2. Chuck; Got your e-mail and enjoyed seeing your progress.

  3. Any pictures that you see before this post are all from the old layout. I will be getting new pictures up as soon as possible.

  4. Glad you're writing the blog anew! It will be inspiration for the rest of us! Paul Berry

  5. Glad to see this Chuck. Are you still planning on nighttime operations?
