I'm getting laser cut control panels for all of my panels. One of my operators has a laser cutting machine and is willing to do the job. I sent him three files. Two for new panels and 1 as a redo because things have changed. Of course last minute after sending the files I discovered that my CAD drawings for the holes I cut before were wrong. I always cut them the right size but they would be wrong for a laser machine.
Then I decide to get the one panel for Rigby ready with everything up to the door of the panel. So all day yesterday I made cables and ran wires into the panel itself. It should be ready when I get that panel back.
This morning I turned on the layout and could tell right away there was a problem. Turned everything off and started looking around and to make a long story short my voltage regulator was putting out double voltage and fried one of my I/O boards. This happened once before so I already had a spare voltage regulator. The last time I had two fried boards. For some reason it always gets the closet one two the power supply. Got everything changed out and all is fine again.
Since I was already under the layout I took some time to shorten all of the lengthy wires in Bath and Brunswick North. Bath was completed, but when I got to Brunswick the first Tortoise wire I shorten had a problem. The person that done it originally crossed there of the eight wires. I had to find the right TSM and remove it to straighten them up on the tortoise end. Luckily it was the closest to the aisle.
Needless to say I spent way more time working than I thought I would have liked to.
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