Sub roadbed now reaches Bucksport. That is a distance of ~30 feet from the bridge I installed yesterday. There will be some adjustments along the way I'm sure, but for now I'll have to let the track catch up with the bench work.
I had to modify the exit point of the helix because I wasn't getting the the proper approach to the bridge to suit me. That is also complete. Once the cork is glued from the helix to the bridge I'll be able to lay down track. Then I'll have to go down to Bucksport and make sure the track there will really work. Besides I just had another idea so I'll have to play around with it (the idea) and see if it is worth pursuing.
The cork roadbed is up to the bridge and 3 feet beyond the bridge. This will give me plenty of opportunity for putting down track. I have been down in the dungeon a lot this week, now it is time to do something different.
The track has been laid down to 3 feet past the bridge also.