Sunday, September 16, 2012

Marsh Stream

The Marsh Stream is nearly done. I need ballast on the main line a maybe some bushes.

From Bucksport looking toward Acadia
Enjoying the fresh Fall Air
Another look at the mixture of foreground trees and painted backdrop.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Scenery Update

I made a second pour in the river today and it looks a little better. More like a river than a pudle. This came with home made issues of course. I started painting the backdrop and twice got into the epoxy while it was setting up. The first was early on and was no problem. The second time I laid my arm in it as it was setting up. It looked ugly at first with wispy strings coming off my arm. However, there was still enough flexibility that it settled back some. I remembered that I had some canoes that would be perfect right there. Now it looks like a little wave action around the canoes. As Bob Ross would say "A happy accident".

As you can see it should be good. I'll add the people later. I don't want to get near the water again until it is ready.

This is the backdrop that got me in trouble with the river. I have been having trouble with the fall trees, but I think I finally got it. It is too bad that this will get covered up with forground scenery.

This is an unfinished section where I placed some pine trees. I hate to throw away paint, so I used as much as I could. I'll go back later and put in some more trees. The one thing I don't usually have trouble with is Evergreens.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Water Flowing

I have been working on the other river and it is taking way too long. I think I have the final pour complete and now I have to wait and see if I tinted the gloss medium properly.

I spent the day putting in sculptamold around Wiscasset, where the new dairy went in. It fills in the space between the facia and tabletop.

I had more time on my hand and I have been wanting to work on the next river. I spent time putting in the rocks and sand that would be in the river. I got out the Envirotext Lite and mixed up a batch and poured away. I wish I made just a little more, but I was able to work it were I needed to. I figure to do another pour as soon as I can.

River between Bucksport and Acadia.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wiscasset gets its first industry

I have been talking a while about adding a dairy in Wiscasset. This dairy would be served by the passenger train turning it into a true Milk Train. I finally got around to adding it and all was going well until I realized that the local control panel didn't have a button for this siding. That thought never even occurred to me. I also thought that I already programmed the computer for this siding. It turned out that I programmed it on the new version of the disatch panel...OOPS.

The next session may not have local control of this siding, we'll just have to see how far I get. Then again, if I don't get the scheme figured out and the way bills changed we may just ignore this siding until all is ready.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I can't do too much to the layout since there is another Op Session coming up in less than week, so I decided to try again at backdrops and finishing the river.

I got ahead of myself one day doing scenery and I didn't paint any hills on the backdrop. The result was way too much blue sky behind the trees. I decided to atempt to fix that situation. This picture shows where I went back and painted hills behind the trees.

This picture shows where I blended the backdrop and the scenery

The Backdrop at river level showing the distant hills. You can also see where I added more gloss medium to the river. I tinted it this time. I hope not too much. It is still wet and will clear up when dry.

Here you can see the hills behind the banks on the far side of the river.
 I will add the trees later after the river dries.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

George C Brown Sawmill

I finally got around to the track at the sawmill. We have been using a short stub track that would hold about 4 cars. I have been adding log cars to the layout and knew that the longer track would be needed real soon.
Right before the session on Saturday broke a major rule and I added track to the pond and put in the switch and track for the wood chips. I wasn't able to put the tortoise machine in, so I pinned the switch in place.
Today I added the Switch machine and since it was already in the computer, I just had to tell the computer where it was connected and make sure it worked as it was supposed to.
So the sawmill has change from a generic 4 spots to 10 spots for 3 different things: logs, chips and rough lumber.