Friday, September 14, 2012

Water Flowing

I have been working on the other river and it is taking way too long. I think I have the final pour complete and now I have to wait and see if I tinted the gloss medium properly.

I spent the day putting in sculptamold around Wiscasset, where the new dairy went in. It fills in the space between the facia and tabletop.

I had more time on my hand and I have been wanting to work on the next river. I spent time putting in the rocks and sand that would be in the river. I got out the Envirotext Lite and mixed up a batch and poured away. I wish I made just a little more, but I was able to work it were I needed to. I figure to do another pour as soon as I can.

River between Bucksport and Acadia.



  1. So, when are you conducting classes on how to create water scenes?

  2. If you think I have the talent, I can do that when you are ready.
